Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Let your relationships be intoxicating and not toxic!


A Relationship is the connection or a bond two people share with each other. It is said that there is a purpose behind every relationship. According to me the purpose behind any relationship is the same. It is meant for learning, growth and sharing.  It gives you a comfortable environment for self-discovery and growth. When you find this comfort level with someone you decide to be with that person. Once you have found it you try in every possible way to save and maintain that relationship. We think, after putting all this effort into it, the dynamics of the relationship should never change with that person. But we don’t understand that this thinking invites all kinds of trouble in our relationship. Somewhere we forget that every individual keeps on changing and evolving overtime, at their own pace. We fail to acknowledge this change in the other person because we don’t like this change. It will rarely happen that both individuals will evolve at the same pace. We shouldn't forget that the relationship can still remain as beautiful as it first started, if this change in the other person is noticed and accepted gracefully.

Relationship is the only medium in which one can express oneself. Healthiness or unhealthiness of a relationship can be judged by what you express and experience in it .In an unhealthy relationship one will mostly express anger, hatred ,hurt and sadness and In a healthy relationship one will mostly express love, respect, trust and gratitude .

Relationships become nasty when we cling on to it and don’t want to accept that some relationships are not meant to continue for eternity. They come with an expiry tag. We fail to see it or do not want to see this tag. Like anything else, if continued to be used after its expiry date, it becomes toxic. If relationships are continued even after the purpose of it is over,it becomes toxic and unhealthy. Although, some people continue being there out of fear of being alone. According to me relationships never fail, it just means that its purpose in your life was only for that limited time.

Now the choice is on us, if we want to continue living in this toxic relationship or be strong enough and face our insecurity. It’s just a matter of choice.


  1. Very well written. I think this will help me understand the dynamics of my relationship and to improve my understanding of it. Thank you.

  2. You have really put forth a very vital point. Its a fact we all know but fail to accept many a times. We hate change and want everything and everyone around us to be exactly the same! But eternal sameness would mean stagnation, and relationships are meant for growing, becoming better individuals and together making the relationship a more beautiful one in the process. Very well written!
